Waiting at the Rainbow Bridge
Ch. Bartland's Nytro Silver Diablo
Sire: Ch Waltz To The Top v Anson (Logan)
Dam: Can Ch Bartland's Pocketful of Posie (Posie)
PedigreeDOB: July 17, 2010
Owned by Dennis & Rochelle Torfs & Margaret Lehmann
On March 25th, 2012, Nytro went WD for another point towards his American show championsip under judge Virginia Lyne, of Saanich, B.C.On July 16, 2011 the Weimaraner Association of Canada held their national specialty at Whiterock, B.C. Bartland's Nytro Silver Diablo won Best In Sweepstakes under judge Bernie Reddick.
July 17, 2011 Nytro goes Best Of Winner's for 3 points to complete his Canadian Championship!
Ch. Bartland's Nytro Silver Diablo (Nytro) went 1st in his 12-18 mos class at the Willamette Weimaraner Specialties, followed by a 2nd with Virginia Lyne, and another 1st with Michael Faulkner at the Stumptown All Breed shows.
Nytro's 1st birthday....Mmmm!
Bartland Registered Weimaraners